World’s Largest Pecan
The world’s largest pecan is in Missouri…or maybe in Texas (yes, Road Trips Foodies: there are rivals for “largest pecan” status).
The one in Brunswick, Missouri, is often labeled the world’s largest 20th century pecan while the one in Seguin, Texas, which also claims to be the largest, is sometimes called the world’s oldest largest pecan (are you following all that?).
In any case, thinks each is worth a detour if you’re in the neighborhood.
Seguin’s pecan, erected in 1962 i front of city hall, is five feet long and 2-1/2 feet wide, and weighs approximately 1000 pounds. It was dedicated to Cabeza de Vaca, a Spanish explorer who was held captive for ten years on the Guadalupe, known then as the ‘River of Nuts”. He’s said to have survived on a diet of local pecans.
Brunswick’s pecan, a concrete replica built in 1982, weighs 12,000 pounds and is seven by 12 feet. You can see it on the north side of Route 24.
(Photo of Brunswick’s Pecan courtesy of Jeanne Huff)