If your travel plans take you to Madison, Wisconsin, Road Trips Foodies, consider scheduling your trip to coincide with a presentation at CHEW – the Culinary History Enthusiasts of Wisconsin.
Here are three of their upcoming programs (generally held on the first Wednesday of each month):
“How Alaska’s Salmon Became Wild: The Surprising History of the World’s Last Great Wild Food” — 7:15 p.m., March 6, 2013, Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa Street, Madison, Wisconsin (map)
“Food [dot] com: How Yelp Changed The Way We Talk About Food” — April 3, 2013
“Hasenpfeffer: A Hop around Hare History,” — May 1, 2013
CHEW is an informal, non-profit, educational organization dedicated to the celebration of food, ethnic cuisines, and culinary customs from all parts of the world. Founded in 2000, it is affiliated with the Wisconsin Historical Society as a specialized historical group.
(Photo courtesy of CHEW)