Vietnam’s Alma Resort Opens its Own Farm
The beachfront Alma Resort located on Vietnam’s Cam Ranh peninsula fronting Long Beach, has cultivated its own onsite farm.
The farm produces fruits, vegetables, herbs, and chicken eggs to offer organic “zero-kilometer” produce for guests’ meals and
There is a nursery garden with bananas, coconuts, papaya, squash, passionfruit, sunflowers, and daisies — and a chicken farm
that is home to a growing brood of hens, roosters, and chicks.
The resort’s herb garden includes mustard leaves, morning glory, red and green chili peppers, Vietnamese basil, lettuce, green
onions, white radish, bok choy, and tomatoes.
The farm’s produce goes into its restaurants. The leftovers are used as compost. The farm is irrigated with recycled water.
(Photos courtesy of Alma Resort)