Ben & Jerry’s Reveals Its Top Ten Flavors of 2021

Half Baked
The cookie dough in it is unbaked, but the fudge brownies are baked. It’s literally half baked.
Cherry Garcia
A fan flavor suggestion. Introduced in 1987; in or near the top three ever since.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Our best-seller worldwide; inspired by a fan suggestion.
Chocolate Fudge Brownie
Featuring brownies from New York’s Greyston Bakery, which provides jobs and training to low-income people in Yonkers.
Tonight Dough
Jimmy Fallon’s second Ben & Jerry’s flavor. His proceeds go to SeriousFun Children’s Network.
Strawberry Cheesecake
Complete with graham cracker swirl!
Phish Food
This flavor will celebrate 25 years in 2022.
Americone Dream
Stephen Colbert donates his proceeds and his staff gets to pick who benefits.
Chunky Monkey
Launched in 1988, it’s one of the OG flavors.
Brownie Batter Core
A Core flavor, with a stream of unbaked brownie batter running straight through the middle of the pint.