Craft Chocolate in San Francisco
The Craft Chocolate Experience, set for Thursday through Sunday (March 5 through 8, 20200 in the Palace of Fine Arts, 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco, California, is a two-part experience.
The first (March 5 and 6) is just for industry professionals. The theme of Elevate Chocolate 2020, sponsored by the Fine Chocolate Industry Association, will be “Celebrating Fine Chocolate Flavors from Around the World”. The event will include four general session speakers, ten technical workshops, and a day-long Trade Fair. Registration is available online.
The second (March 6, 7, and 8, 2020, also in the Palace of Fine Arts) is for all the rest of us Road Trips Foodies who love chocolate. There will be samples, demonstrations, lectures, and plenty of shopping. It all begins with an Opening Night Party from 7 to 10 p.m. Friday (March 6). Hours for the “main event” are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday (March 7 and 8). Events are separately ticketed; information is online.
The Fine Chocolate Industry Association (FCIA) is focused 100% on supporting fine chocolate professionals. We promote the artistry and craftsmanship of the chocolate professional focused on producing superior products made from premium chocolate and natural ingredients. For an explanation about fine chocolate, go online.
(Photo courtesy of Craft Chocolate Experience)