More About ChocoFest in Brazil
Your Road Trips Foodie gave you a heads-up on this event a couple of months ago, but now there’s lots more information. Chocofest will take more than 10,000 decorated eggs to the streets in the Serra Gaúcha, Brazil, April 11 through 21, 2019. Center of the action is Nova Petrópolis, is one of the most visited tourist towns in the region with a population of just over 20,000 inhabitants.
Bauducco, Florybal, Lugano, Caracol Chocolates, Gramarti and Cacau Gramado are brands already confirmed participants in the event, which is expected to draw more than 100,000 tourists over the 10 days.
The event boosts the production of homemade chocolate in the Serra Gaúcha region, notes Altanisio Ferreira de Lima, chocolate founder of Gramadense Chocolate and president of Achoco (Chocolate Industries Association of Gramado).
A playful universe of color and magic is being prepared to transform the Rua Coberta of Nova Petrópolis to the Planet of the Treats.
Organizers are painting more than 10,000 eggs in all colors and sizes: small, medium, large, and giant eggs will decorate poles and roundabouts and be turned into garlands at the Praça 15 de Novembro, at the Rua Coberta and throughout the central area of Nova Petrópolis, which is known as the Gaúcho city.
Chocofest is an initiative of the Nova Petrópolis City Hall and Casa Cooperativa, organized by Rossi & Zorzanello Events and Enterprises, and sponsored by Sicredi Pioneira and Banrisul. Chocofest director is Eduardo Zorzanello.
(Photo courtesy of Chocofest)