Slow Food: Beyond Good, Clean, and Fair Food
Road Trips Foodies interested in the academic perspective on the Slow Food Movement might want to head to Los Angeles for a presentation at 7 p.m. Monday (February 4, 2019) in the California NanoSystems Institute on the campus of the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).
“Why History Matters — The Slow Food Movement: Beyond Good, Clean and Fair Food” is a panel discussion featuring Richard McCarthy (pictured), Executive Director, Slow Food USA; Maricel Presilla. chef and author, and David Shields, Carolina Distinguished Professor, Department of English, University of South Carolina. Moderator will be Allison Carruth, Associate Professor, UCLA Department of English.
Why History Matters is an ongoing series sponsored by the UCLA Department of History. ” The series is dedicated to the belief that historical knowledge is an indispensable, and often missing, ingredient in public debate.”