New England’s Gingerbread House Festival
New England’s biggest display of “sweet and spicy” Gingerbread Houses is open at the Wood Memorial Library and Museum, 783 Main Street, South Windsor, Connecticut. A holiday favorite, the show runs through December 15, 2018.
While admission is free, donations are accepted (as the library is completely volunteer run and privately funded).
The show features gingerbread houses from professional bakers, restaurants, local artisans, and children and families.
Wood Memorial Library is South Windsor’s Cultural Center, located on the town’s old Main Street, first an Indian trail, then a busy colonial thoroughfare, today a quiet reminder of Connecticut’s heritage lined with beautiful historic homes of every era.
In 1926 William Wood chose Hartford architect William Marchant to design a library as a memorial to his parents, Dr. William Wood and Mary Ellsworth Wood. From its dedication in 1928 until the early ’70s, Wood served as South Windsor’s Public Library. In 1971, the Friends of Wood Memorial Library incorporated to oversee its operation as a privately funded library. To honor Will Wood’s wish to provide a library as well as an environment for cultural, historical and scientific interests to flourish, a wide variety of activities are available. Wood annually hosts more than 50 programs for adults and children each year.
(Photo courtesy of Wood Memorial Library)