France: Food and Scarcity in Times of War
The exhibition “Les Jours Sans: Food and Scarcity in Times of War” plunges visitors into the everyday life of the French people during and after the Second World War.
Open April 13, 2017, through January 28, 2018, in the Resistance and Deportation History Centre, 14 Avenue Berthelot, Lyon, France, treats various issues: how people dealt not only with the drama and tragedy of war and the humiliation of defeat, but also with shortages of every kind, with mass confiscations by the occupier, and with the general disorganization of the economy in a country that was running out of everything.
What were people’s survival strategies? How did they act? What new recipes were invented to mitigate the scarcity of food? What do those who lived through this period tell us? These are some of the questions raised by the exhibition.