Salon International de l’Agriculture in Paris
On your way to Paris, France, Road Trips Foodies? Here’s a tasty thought: the Salon International de l’Agriculture (International Agricultural Show) takes place February 25 through March 5, 2017, in the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles — and, yes, it’s a family-friendly event.
Here’s how the organizers describe the show:
“The agricultural sector is changing. French farming is in the throes of a major economic crisis. Serving as a showcase for agriculture, the Paris International Agricultural Show takes long view of farming, bringing together sectors, stakeholders in these sectors and members of the general public. For this 54th edition of the show, we have decided to continue lending our support to all of the professions in the sector, and to provide visitors -who are also consumers -with an overall insight into farming in France.”
There are four parts to the show: livestock breeding, culinary products, crops and plants, agricultural services and professions (we’re probably most intrigued by the second one).