Asparagus + Strawberries
What could possibly be better than a strawberry festival? One that adds asparagus to the offerings!
Yes, Road Trips Foodies, the third annual Strawberry & Asparagus Festival is set for noon to 6 p.m. May 25, 2013.
It’s held at Branstrator Farm, 885 North George Road, Clarksville, Ohio (map).
An unusual commercial venture, the farm is “eight acres of strawberries, four acres asparagus, four of peach trees, twenty five of pumpkins and winter squash, four of staked tomatoes, less than an acre of blackberries, raspberries and currants, and multiple acres of soy beans, rye, and soft red winter wheat,” all master-minded by Jon Branstrator (pictured).
The farm has been in the Branstrator since 1823, when Andrew Branstrator and his wife, Francis Wilkerson, purchased an estimated 400 acres near what is now the Clinton-Massie School. Jon is a fifth-generation descendant.
(Photo courtesy of Branstrator Farm)