Castroville Artichoke Festival
Every food has its own festival, even the Cynara cardunculus. (Of course, Road Trips Foodies, you know that vegetable!)
Yes, the artichoke has its own festival in Castroville, California (not incidentally known as the “artichoke capital of the world”).
This year’s edition is May 21-22, 2011. Here’s where you’ll be able to munch on artichokes that are fried, sautéed, grilled, marinated, pickled, fresh or creamed in soup.
Cooking demonstrations will give you ideas for preparing and using the artichokes you buy at the farmers market on site (or, later, back home).
Another highlight is the Agro Art competition. Artists compete on site, creating a three-dimensional work using fruits and vegetables (all entries must be at least 60% fresh product and 10% artichokes).
(Photo courtesy of Castroville Artichoke Festival)
In Castroville, the “Giant Artichoke’s” fried artichokes are the BEST. I ate them there as a little girl and now take my kids to devour them there!